
Our senior leaders bring a range of experience from across the health care industry to drive the company’s vision of being a national leader in consumer health.

Dana Erickson
President and CEO, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
Monica Engel
Senior vice president, president of government markets
Christopher Fanning
Senior vice president, provider relations and president, commercial markets
Julie Loosbrock
Senior vice president, chief human resources officer
AJ McDougall
Chief strategy officer and senior vice president, marketing communications and customer experience
Carey Smith
Senior vice president, chief operating officer
Mark Steffen, MD, MPH
Senior vice president, medical management and chief medical officer
John Uribe
Senior vice president, chief financial officer
Bukata Hayes
Vice president, racial and health equity and chief equity officer
Nash Shaikh
Director, chief of staff to president & CEO
Miaja Cassidy
Chief legal officer and senior vice president