Blue Cross Advisors
A knowledgeable advisor in your area can help you learn about our Medicare and Individual & Family plans and find one that’s right for you.
A knowledgeable advisor in your area can help you learn about our Medicare and Individual & Family plans and find one that’s right for you.
Medicare basics, your plan options and what they cover
Which plan works best for you or your family
Get guided support in enrolling in a plan that is right for you
Whether you have questions, need guidance or are ready to enroll into a plan, your advisor can meet with you to make confident decisions.
“Medicare can be very overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. I am here to guide you and be your resource through the process. Together we will make sure you are comfortable in the best plan for you.”- Katie Myers, Blue Cross Advisor
Join us for a free, no obligation, in-person or virtual Medicare workshop to learn about Medicare and available plans based on the county you live in.
Learn about:
For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings call: 1-877-647-4219, TTY 711.
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