Blue Cross Advisor Corinna Douglas
Corinna can help you learn about our Medicare or Individual & Family plans and find one that’s right for you.
Corinna can help you learn about our Medicare or Individual & Family plans and find one that’s right for you.
Whether you have questions, need guidance or are ready to enroll into a Blue Cross plan, we can meet to:
Corinna is a Medicare Advisor who has resided in Western Minnesota for over 25 years and has many different connections throughout the area. She enjoys helping people navigate through Medicare and is happy to connect with you in face-to-face meetings, over the phone and virtually. She also holds Medicare workshops in towns and cities across Western Minnesota.
“Medicare can be overwhelming, and I would be happy to help you navigate through the process of picking a plan that best fits your individual needs and walking you through the enrollment process.”- Corinna Douglas, Blue Cross Advisor
You can schedule a phone, virtual or in-person appointment.
If you have questions regarding your current plan, please call the number on the back of your insurance card.
Learn about plans and enroll with Corinna over the telephone or virtually.
Meet with Corrina directly to learn about our plans and get help with enrolling at a location of your choice – be it a nearby coffee shop, local community center or at our offices.
Join us for a free, no obligation, in-person or virtual Medicare workshop to learn about Medicare and available plans based on the county you live in.
Learn about:
For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings call: 1-877-647-4219, TTY 711.
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