an adult giving a child a piggyback ride outside, both smiling at camera

Welcome new members

Thank you for being a member of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota and Blue Plus.

Get started with your Blue AdvantageSM Families and Children, MinnesotaCare or Minnesota Senior Care Plus (MSC+) plan.


Get started

Create your online member account

Your secure and personalized member account gives you quick access to important
health information and resources specific to your plan benefits.

Create account

Already created an account?

Log in


Check plan details and review coverage and benefits


Access your member handbook


Search for covered drugs and in-network providers


View, download and print your ID card(s)

Review your benefits

Health services and programs

All mental health services and programs are free to Medicaid members. No credit card information is required to register.

Learn about all plan services and programs

BlueRide Transportation service

BlueRideSM offers you a safe and reliable ride to covered medical, dental and pharmacy visits with providers in your plan’s network.

You can also use BlueRide to go to participating fitness locations, health and wellbeing classes, and Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.2

Behavioral health services

Mental and emotional wellbeing are important parts of your health. Your plan includes a range of care for mental health and substance use concerns, including virtual and telehealth visits, inpatient and outpatient services, and more.

Mobile clinics

Get care right in the comfort of your own home. Some services provided in the mobile clinics include well-child screenings, vaccinations, prenatal and postpartum care, diabetes management, behavioral health assessments and more.

Healthy Rewards incentive program

When you choose to join Healthy Rewards, you and your family can earn rewards when you complete certain preventive screenings and healthy activities.

Available to Families and Children and MinnesotaCare members, 64 years of age and under.

Adult sitting on the couch, using a laptop.

Assess your health

The Health Screener is a health assessment for Blue Advantage Families and Children and MinnesotaCare new enrollees. It will help us get to know you and your needs better.

You will also be able to sign up for a care management program, access free tools, resources and more.


Find Care

Search for in-network providers

You may have to pay more for your care or medicine if you don’t use a provider in your network. 


Find a doctor

When you have a SecureBlue plan, you choose a doctor or clinic from our network to be your primary care clinic. They will get to know you and keep all your medical records in one place.

Search for a doctor

You also have the option to connect with board-certified doctors and licensed therapists online over live video using Doctor On Demand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Visit a doctor or therapist


Find a dentist

Our plans cover dental services, including check-ups, cleanings and fillings.

For dental benefit questions or help finding an in-network provider:

Call toll free at 1-800-774-9049, TTY 711
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time

You must add your zip code and select the "Minnesota Select Dental Network" to view dentists that are in-network.

Search dental directory


Search for pharmacies and drugs

A pharmacy network is a list of pharmacies (drugstores) that can fill prescriptions for our plan members.

You may have to pay more for your medicine if you don’t use a pharmacy in network or your medicine isn’t on the formulary (drug list).

Search for pharmacies

Search the formulary (drug list)

Or call toll free at 1-888-877-6424, TTY 711
24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Support and resources

Questions? We can help

Call Member Services toll free:

1-800-711-9862, TTY 711
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time
Monday through Friday

The call is free.

This phone number is on the back of your member ID card.

Interpreter assistance

Get an interpreter for your doctor appointment if English is not your first language.

Call 1-800-711-9862, TTY 711.
This call is free.

Keep your member ID card somewhere safe

Your member ID card will be mailed to you soon. You will need to show your member ID card whenever you visit doctors, clinics, hospitals, dentists or pharmacies. It has all the information on it that providers will need to submit your claims.

Nurse line

Registered and experienced nurses are available anytime, day or night when you need medical advice or guidance on where to go for care.

Our nurses can also help you during or after your pregnancy.

Call toll free 1-888-275-3974, TTY 711.

Behavioral health crisis line

Receive information about mental health and substance use counseling.

Call toll free at 1-888-275-3974, TTY 711.

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*Restrictions and Conditions apply.

Delta Dental of Minnesota is independent from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota. Delta Dental® provides administrative services for dental benefits.

Doctor On Demand® is an independent company providing telehealth services.

Prime Therapeutics LLC is an independent company providing pharmacy benefit management services.