BlueRide Transportation Request

Get rides when you need them.

Call 1-866-340-8648, TTY 711.

BlueRideSM from Blue Plus offers you a safe and reliable ride to covered medical, dental, and pharmacy visits with doctors in your plan network.

You can also use BlueRide to go to participating fitness locations, health and wellbeing classes, and Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.*

BlueRide offers rides for the following:

  • Medical appointments
  • Dental appointments
  • Mental health appointments
  • Prescription pick ups
  • Durable medical equipment (DME) pick ups or repairs
  • Fitness facility visits (SecureBlue members only)


You may be able to get a ride to eligible medical appointments if you do not have access to your own ride and are a member of one of these Blue Plus plans:

  • Blue Advantage Families and Children
  • MinnesotaCare (pregnant women & members under age 19)
  • Minnesota Senior Care Plus (MSC+)
  • SecureBlue (HMO SNP)

How BlueRide works

A BlueRide representative will make sure you are eligible. If you are, you may receive one of these services:

  • A public bus pass if you live in a public transit service area
  • A scheduled medical ride or other ride service if you live outside a public transit service area

Fill out the form below to schedule your ride appointment at least five business days before your desired ride date. You may also call 866-340-8648 to schedule your ride appointment at least two business days before your desired ride date.

If you need to change or cancel your ride, call BlueRide as soon as possible, with a minimum of four hours before your scheduled pick-up time. Failure to cancel unneeded rides may result in temporary loss of BlueRide services.

Pick-up time is up to sixty minutes before your appointment. The driver will wait five minutes at your pick-up location. Respectful behavior is required for the duration of the ride.

If you have a disability or other special needs, BlueRide will find another type of ride to meet your needs.

A minor child under the age of 18 traveling alone will need to have a consent form signed by a parent or guardian before rides can be scheduled for them.

Email form to:
Or fax form to: (651) 662-2844

BlueRide consent form

If you live in one of the following Minnesota counties, you may qualify for rides to the grocery store or local food pantry.

  • Benton County
  • Blue Earth County
  • Carlton County
  • Clay County
  • Kandiyohi County
  • Mower County
  • Pine County
  • Rice County
  • Sherburne County
  • Stearns County
  • Winona County

Use our Community Resource Link if you need help finding a grocery store or food pantry.

Find a grocery store or food pantry

Call toll-free 1-866-340-8648, TTY 711 or (651) 662-8648
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.


This form may be used for new ride requests and if your appointment date is 5 business days or more before your ride request.

Call BlueRide Member Services (866-340-8648) if:

  • You're calling for a ride less than 5 days before your appointment date
  • You need to schedule a multi-stop ride
  • You need to make a change to your ride (edit, cancel, etc.)

What you should know after you send the form in:

  • Please allow 48 hours for your ride to be scheduled. Once your ride has been set up, you will get an email from BCBSMN with the company name, their phone number and your ride details.
  • Call the ride company two days before your ride to make sure it was received. For your return ride, you must call the transportation company.

Member Information:

If you're trying to schedule a ride for a member under 12 years old, please call Blue Ride Member Services at 866-340-8648 - Opens in a new window.
Are you the member filling this form out for yourself?

Your Information:

Are you calling from an organization (facility, agency, etc.)?

Ride Type:

Do you need help getting to and from the vehicle?
Which of the following do you need assistance with?
Which of the following best describes your wheelchair?
Which of the following best describes your stretcher?

Trip Details:

Rides cannot be scheduled in the past. Please call BlueRide at 866-340-8648 - Opens in a new window for additional information.
Your appointment is less than 5 business days away. To schedule a ride within this shorter timeframe, please call BlueRide Member Services at 866-340-8648 - Opens in a new window.
Rides cannot be scheduled more than 31 days out. Please call BlueRide at 866-340-8648 - Opens in a new window for additional information.
Rides are not available on weekends and some holidays. Please choose a date Monday through Friday or call BlueRide at 866-340-8648 - Opens in a new window for additional information.
Appointment type
Is anyone else riding with you?
Will you be using a car seat?
The transportation company can provide 1 car seat. Please select "Yes" if you need one provided. If additional car seats are needed, you will need to provide those.
What type of car seat is needed?
Will you be using a booster seat?
The transportation company can provide 1 booster seat. Please select "Yes" if you need one provided. If additional booster seats are needed, you will need to provide those.

Pick Up Details:

Pick up location

Drop Off Details:

Ride type

Post-Appointment Drop Off Details:

Is your post-appointment drop off location the same as where you were picked up?
Post-appointment - drop off location

 *Restrictions and Conditions apply.

SecureBlueSM (HMO SNP) is a health plan that contracts with both Medicare and the Minnesota Medical Assistance (Medicaid) program to provide benefits of both programs to enrollees. Enrollment in SecureBlue (HMO SNP) depends on contract renewal.

DHS_100424_K01 DHS Approved 11/19/2024
H2425_070723_O04 CMS Accepted 07/19/2023