Regular visits to the dentist can be lifesaving

Regular exams with a dentist are the first line of defense in the early diagnosis — and treatment — of oral cancer.

dental work


About oral cancer

In 2021, more than 54,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with oral cancer.1 Because a primary care provider does not typically perform a thorough oral exam during regular preventive visits, key early symptoms of oral cancer can be missed. Regular exams with a dentist are the first line of defense in the early diagnosis — and treatment — of oral cancer.

Early symptoms

Some early symptoms include:

  • Red or white patches in the mouth or throat
  • Pain, tenderness or numbness in the mouth or lips
  • Difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking or moving your tongue or jaw

Oral cancer is also one of the most expensive cancers to treat — and even more so in its advanced stages. Studies show that it costs two to four times more to treat oral cancer in its advanced stages versus treating it early.2

Benefits and programs to help

Offering benefits and programs that support employees in their oral health and quitting tobacco can help minimize their risk of oral cancer. For example:

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota has a variety of dental plans available. Talk with your Blue Cross representative or your agent. 



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