Helping you live your healthiest life.
You and Blue. Better together.
Member Resources
Log in to your member account
Check your benefits, claims, connect to wellness programs and more.
Find Care
Video: Your vision plan overview
Use these resources to get the most out of your vision plan.
- Blue Cross Vision Plan Summary of Benefits 2025
- Blue Cross Vision Plan Certificate of Coverage
- Vision Plan frequently asked questions
- State of Minnesota Vision Plan video
- LASIK information
- Bladeless LASIK member experience
- Exclusive Collection
- Premium Collection Contact Lens
- Lens upgrades
- Retailers in the network
- How to use your benefits
- Vision Plan claim form
- Warby Parker
- LensCrafters
State of Minnesota Vision Client Code: 9572
*If you would like to learn more or ask questions about the benefits before enrolling in the plan, please give this code to the vision Customer Service Representative when you call.
Support resources
Support at your fingertips

Questions? We can help
Call Blue Cross vision customer service at 1-888-921-1192.
- Understand your member benefits
- Check on a claim
- General plan or coverage questions
Hours: Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. CT
This phone number is on the back of your member ID card.
Contact your employer
You should reach out to your employer first if you:
- Are choosing new coverage and have questions
- Have a qualifying life event like a change in your household or employment
- Need to change your name, address, etc.
Search our website
While this web page is focused on your company and employees, bluecrossmn.com serves all members and may have your answer.
Visit bluecrossmn.com for more options.