Mission Control offers employers daily access to population health and benefits data

Blue Care AdvisorSM Mission Control is a single, easy-to-use, self-service reporting tool that provides employers a comprehensive picture of employee health and enables deeper employee population insights.

Unlike stand-alone navigation solutions that rely on third-party administrators to assemble a view across claims history and condition-specific point solutions, Mission Control curates the member data collected via Blue Care Advisor and then presents it to employers in a holistic manner so that they can better manage their health plans and control related costs like never before.

Through the Mission Control dashboard, employers get at-a-glance program eligibility, registration, and participation rates. These views can also be filtered by population and timeframe criteria. This enables employers to see how employees are or are not engaging with benefits in their health plan designed to address costly conditions. Other data inputs include the types of care employees are searching for, health assessment results, declared health goals and next best action engagements.

Going one step further, employers can also create customized communications targeting specific employee populations to promote relevant health programs or send care reminders – all without having to leave Mission Control.

Mission Control in action

So how does this work in real life?

While viewing the Mission Control dashboard, the benefits director at Acme Enterprises notices that searches for psychological and psychiatric care have spiked over the last month.

A review of the health goals section reflects that two of the highest self-reported goals are "Manage Stress" and "Feel Happier."

However, when the benefits director looks at member engagement with the company’s behavioral health program, it shows only 25 percent of employees are actively using this benefit, even though nearly half of all employees are eligible.

The benefits director clicks over to the communications center in Mission Control and quickly creates and sends a message promoting the specific benefits of the company’s behavioral health program.

Within days, the director sees that registrations in the behavioral health program have spiked to 38 percent.  

The power of Blue Care Advisor

Blue Care Advisor empowers employees to take control of their health by putting them at the center of a personalized healthcare experience, while Mission Control gives employers the ability to leverage their health plans in ways they never could before.

Unlike other payer-based advocacy or vended navigation tools, Blue Care Advisor is an integrated digital solution that harnesses data across the healthcare spectrum, from health plans to point-solutions. This provides a comprehensive picture of employee health that unlocks powerful insights to mobilize engagement, close gaps in care and lower healthcare costs. That is the power of Blue Care Advisor.

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Blue Care AdvisorSM is an offering of Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® of Minnesota, a nonprofit independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.