Racial & health equity overview

Racial and health equity overview

We have long supported the health equity and vitality of our state, but we are far from perfect. One by one, we are addressing the gaps and blind spots within our organization that have contributed to inequitable structures and systems. We are making race and health equity our business.

At Blue Cross, we’ve been on a journey to create healthier communities for a number of years. Doing so is core to our nonprofit mission and an important part of who we are as a business. On our journey we’ve come to realize if we don’t address the deep health inequities facing our state – both through our community investments and through how we do business – our efforts won’t have the impact we ultimately desire. We have made health equity not only a core value, but also a major strategic focus area for us. We execute on this by integrating healthy equity best practices in how we do business, collaborating with the community and others for actionable change, and providing opportunities for employees to advance their own intercultural competencies that promote diversity and inclusion. We’re building on existing work throughout the company and changing the way we do business with positive results along the way.

Videos & resources

Use this series of resources to better understand the words that are the foundational elements of the conversations we need to have.

Racial and health equity videos

Podcast: The State We're In

A podcast that explores themes related to health, racial and health equity and community. Start being a part of the discussion.

The State We're In Podcast cover

Health equity animated

Videos inspired by the community explain equity vs. equality, how zip code, race, income and gender impact equity, and what is the cost of health inequities.

Health equity animated

See videos

Reading list

A list of recommended books on race and racism from a range of experts, including Black, Indigenous, Hmong and Latine, and other authors of color.

racial and health equity racing list