Whole health support drives better results

It’s been widely accepted that employees who are physically thriving are more engaged and productive. But new data shows that organizations with higher levels of wellbeing achieve better business outcomesi — and it’s not just about physical activity.

woman on dock

Recent Willis Towers Watson research reveals that organizations with higher levels of wellbeing achieve better business outcomes, including higher levels of employee engagement, improved revenue per employee, greater customer satisfaction and fewer safety incidents.ii

Until recently, the focus has largely been on physical activity, but there’s substantial evidence that financial security, emotional stability and social connections contribute significantly to our physical wellbeing. In addition, physical activity alone does not address specific conditions or high-cost cases. 

Broadening the scope

Health companies are moving beyond basic physical activity programs to incorporate a broader level of support for health and wellbeing. And savvy employers are quickly following suit.

Studies showiii that while only 25 percent of employers currently have an organization-wide behavioral health strategy, 68 percent report plans to have a strategy in place by 2021. The focus on sleep and relaxation is also growing, with 52 percent of groups adding targeted apps and programs next year.

In addition, the number of employers planning to offer financial resources will grow by approximately 23 percent.

Fine-tune your strategy

There are multiple measures you can take to ensure your health and wellbeing strategy is on target for your employee population.

Leverage workplace data and analytics 

Human resources data can identify segments at risk for emotional stress and financial strain, evidenced by life events or opting out of a 401(k), for instance. That data can also help you improve initiatives for diversity and inclusion.

Engage managers

With training or coaching, managers can help identify emotional health issues, stress and life events that can impact work performance

Review your H&W package for gaps

Make sure you’re including well-rounded selection programs, resources and tools to support the whole health of your workforce. A good place to start is the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota Health and Wellbeing guide. You’ll find options that target specific conditions or high-cost cases, nutrition, sleep and relaxation, and emotional and financial wellness in addition to physical activity.

Download Blue Cross Health and Wellbeing guide (PDF)

Talk with your Blue Cross representative

They can explain the features of the programs we offer and provide insights from other clients’ approaches.


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