See your way clear to a healthier workforce

As employers look for opportunities to develop healthier workforces, an often overlooked — but successful component stands out in the crowd.

Eye doctor and patient

Offering a vision plan that includes an eye exam not only can protect and enhance an employee’s vision but helps promote overall health.

About eye exams

Eye exams provide a non-invasive look at the blood vessels in the eye which can help in the early detection of diseases that affect the entire body. This includes: 

  • High blood pressure 
  • Diabetic retinopathy 
  • Pre-diabetic risks1 
  • Hypertension
  • Preventable stroke 
  • Cardiac risk2
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • High cholesterol
  • Thyroid disease
  • Ocular melanoma

One in two adults has at least one chronic health issue that an eye exam can help detect.i

The value of vision benefits

Offering comprehensive vision benefits not only results in healthier outcomes for employees due to early detection, but research shows that on average, employers see a return of seven dollars for every dollar invested in vision benefit.ii Not a bad ROI.  

In addition, vision benefits have been shown to increase productivity. A major study indicated productivity costs due to visual impairment for ages 18 to 64 was more than $18 billion.1 A study of the productivity of computer users concluded that even minor errors in astigmatism correction can reduce productivity up to 20 percent. The data also suggests a favorable cost-benefit ratio for employers who provide computer-specific eyewear to their employees. 

Even workers who don’t work on computers are at risk of the pitfalls of uncorrected vision: headaches and fatigue are common symptoms of vision strain that can impact employee performance.

Attract and retain top talent

Another feather in the cap of vision benefits includes making your benefit package more attractive. With 194.1 million adults in the U.S. requiring vision correction, it’s easy to see why vision coverage is such a desirable benefit. In a highly competitive job market, including a comprehensive vision plan could be the deal-maker for a relatively low cost — 51 percent of employees say vision is a must have benefit.

Blue Cross makes it easy

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota offer comprehensive vision plans that include important preventive benefits like annual eye exams. Employers can also choose to offer a materials-only plan that provides discounts on frames and lenses. Vision plans can be purchased alone or be combined with medical for administrative ease. You also have the option to fund all, some or none of the premium.

Popular vision plan features include:

  • No waiting periods
  • Fixed lens pricing on all plans – members pay the same on all lens options no matter where they go in-network
  • Free one-year breakage warranty on eyewear
  • Discounts on a second pair of eyewear with in-network providers
  • Enhanced benefits at Visionworks stores
  • Scratch-resistant coating and tinting of plastic lenses
  • Traditional LASIK discounts of up to 50 percent3
  • Blue light lens coverage

Contact your Blue Cross representative to find a plan that’s right for your organization.

See Blue Cross vision plans for large groups

See Blue Cross vision plans for small groups

Blue Cross leverages the expertise of Davis Vision, who has been providing comprehensive vision care benefits for more than 50 years and currently serves more than 22 million members across the country. Davis Vision has been rated the best in comprehensive coverage by a leading investment


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