A statement on payment changes to behavioral health providers

Eagan, Minn. (September 14, 2017) – Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota recently corrected overpayment errors in our systems that had been paying mental health professionals more than what was outlined in their contracts. All therapists are now being paid accurately. Additionally, on January 1, 2018, we are implementing reductions to the rates billed for psychotherapy sessions that last 53 minutes or longer in order to bring those costs more in line with industry norms.
As a result, earlier this week, Blue Cross met with several leaders from the behavioral health community. This was a productive dialogue on how we can collaborate more closely moving forward and find common ground to address ongoing cost pressures within the health care system.   
Mental health professionals provide vitally important services throughout Minnesota every day. Blue Cross values the work of every licensed therapist who participates in our network. We are committed to providing fair and accurate payments, based on level of training and the type of service provided.