How to cancel a Blue Cross insurance plan

Individual and family plans automatically renew. If you need to cancel, follow these instructions.

If you have a health plan through your employer, contact your human resources department.

Before you cancel

Before you cancel your individual and family health insurance with Blue Plus, be sure you and your family members are covered by another plan so you do not experience a gap in coverage.

You may not be able to enroll in another plan, unless it is during an open enrollment period or you qualify for a special enrollment period.

Learn more about special enrollment period

How to cancel

How to cancel your health insurance contract

The process varies depending on whose coverage you would like to cancel.

How to cancel your entire contract

If you want to cancel everyone who is covered by your individual and family insurance contract you should:

  • Download and fill out the cancellation form. Make sure to include your name, signature, date of birth, plan ID number, as well as your date of cancellation and the reason for cancelling.
  • Submit the form using one of the delivery options provided in the form.

Note: Submission of the cancellation form will result in termination of coverage for the entire contract, including coverage for all dependents.

Cancel coverage for a specific person or multiple people

If you want to cancel only one or some of the people covered by your individual and family insurance contract you should:

  • Write or type a request that includes who to remove from coverage, the date the cancellation should start and your handwritten signature.
  • Send the request by mail, fax or email:

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
P.O. Box 982801
El Paso, TX 79998
Fax: (651) 662-6439

For email, you can scan or take a picture of your request.

Note: Do not use the cancellation form because it will cancel all people on your health insurance contract.

Cancel other types of coverage

Change health insurance through your employer

Contact your human resources department to make changes to your employer provided plan.