Behavioral health initiatives and programs

Blue Cross is here to help you support your employees and their families.

Resources for employers

Brendan Shane, director, behavioral health, shares updates about our initiatives, including a focus on addressing the needs of caregivers – your employees who care for family members.


Current initiatives

One in five adults age 18+ experience a mental illness in a given year in the United States.In these times, the amount of people needing support is undoubtedly higher. We're reaching out to support caregivers and members as they face added stress, increased isolation and loneliness in challenging times.

Collaborative care model

  • We are partnering with providers who can treat mild to moderate mental illness in primary care settings to better manage comorbid medical and behavioral conditions

Awareness and action campaign

  • This effort provides multiple channels of information, training and support.

Support for employees

These programs and services are designed to help your employees and their families get easy-to-use support for mental, emotional and physical health concerns.

Contact your Blue Cross representative or agent to learn more about how we can help you support your employees' emotional and behavioral health needs.