Addressing behavioral health has never been more critical

Workplace mental health challenges

The toll of mental health challenges in the workplace has long been a concern for employers. Since the pandemic, the impact is even more alarming. A recent scientific study found that the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a 25 percent increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide.i

  • Working-age Americans miss more than 200 million workdays annually due to mental health conditions and lost productivity costs $16.8 billion annually ii
  • One in five adults experiences a diagnosable mental health condition in any given year and more than half go untreated iii
  • Nearly one-third of millennials have a behavioral health condition and rates are rising by double digits iv

While many employers have behavioral health programs in place, many employees are hesitant to seek the support they need. In fact, eight of 10 employees with a mental health condition say shame and stigma prevent them from seeking treatment.v

Managers are in the ideal position to change the narrative around behavioral health. 

Change the narrative

Conversations about behavioral health can be difficult to navigate. But the right resources can make these conversations productive and supportive. The Behavioral Health Employee Communications Toolkit can help promote constructive dialogue around behavioral health to support a culture of full health at your organization. 

Understanding the power of our words can help prevent stigma and start meaningful conversations about mental health. This toolkit empowers managers to:

  • Spot signs of struggle and provide tools and resources to make a difference
  • Have more thoughtful, open dialogue with employees
  • Create safe spaces in the workplace to encourage open communication and self-care
  • Create a healthier work culture with tips for managing schedules, workloads and work-life balance, including support for caregivers

There is also information on topics such as burnout, caregiving, stigma, everyday stressors and COVID-19. Download the Manager’s Handbook and Employee Talk Paths today to enable your managers to be part of the change.