A child mixing batter with their hands while with an adult.

Helping you live your healthiest life.

You and Blue. Better together.


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Your best choice

With Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, you get a name you trust, coverage you can count on and peace of mind knowing your plan is here to help you every step of the way.

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More for your money

Trust that your plan has everything you need, including the nation's largest network, for superior coverage and access to the very best care. 


Peace of mind

We'll work on your behalf to make it easier, so your focus can be on better health, not managing your health plan. 


Trusted partner

You can be confident in the plan ranked highest in trust for 13 years in a row.

Our plans

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Whether you're looking for coverage for yourself, your family or your employees, you'll find an option to meet your needs. 

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Freedom BlueSM is a medical-only Medicare Advantage plan built for Veterans.

*Individual, Small Group, Large Group, Medicare Supplement data: NAIC enrollment reported for year-end 2021; Medicare Advantage and Cost: CMS enrollment as of year-end 2021; Self-insured enrollment: EMMA financial statement filings and publicly available information.